Key Benefits Of Edge Protection Guard Rails.

Choosing an edge protection for roof work can be arduous task, especially as you need to think of the safety of people, installation time, how this system affects the roof and the costs. Safety should be the priority factor as compared to the price as you end up risk everything by choosing an unsuitable roof protection method.

Edge Protection For Roof Work are a highly effective way to manage and mitigate some of the safety hazards involved in the working at heights. Engineered for structural soundness, they drastically minimize the likelihood of potentially fatal fall and injuries.

A good robust roof guard rails ensure that you and your workers meet the requirements of Australian height safety standards and regulations. This is important for maximizing safety and minimising risk.

Roof guard rails are used to provide safety and protection when the person is required to work within two metres of fall edge. They are used in domestic, commercial and industrial settings. Say for e.g. if the air conditioning system is installed on a rood edge. And your air conditioner will be occasionally accessed for servicing and maintenance. Roof guard rails make this possible while providing requisite fall protection.

Know the things that make a good guardrail system!

Strength is the prime characteristics of a good guardrail system followed by sturdiness. The effectiveness of a good edge protection guard rails depends on appropriate design, construction according to the specifications of the designers, testing and examination post manufacturing, correct installation by competent person, and appropriate use.

The professional designers of the guardrail systems are obliged to ensure that their systems do not pose any health risks when they are used correctly and their design is accompanied by clear information about how it can be properly and safely used.

Manufacturers of guard rail systems also make sure that systems are safe, and can pass through rigorous test provided by the Australian standard AS/NZS4994 9 (Int) temporary roof edge protection for housing and residential buildings.

It is imperative to hire qualified, experienced and licensed professionals for installing guard rail system so that you can rest assured that your roof safety system is 100% work safe compliant.
